Thursday, October 26, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Okay so I am talking to this guy online and he is super nice but he is married and then I am talking with this other guy that is also nice and single but there seem to be nothing there really we talk but I don't feel anything he seems distant and he is super quite at times so I like them both but I don't think I could see myself with either one really until then
Monday, October 16, 2006
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
It seems like all I want

Okay well like in the title "it seems like all I want" is to have a better life I mean I didn't grow up poor or anything like that but I would like to be able to do things with out worrying about how I am going to get by the next day so I really have to step up my game and change some things repriortise I really want to get back in school and make something out of myself and be establish maybe I need to focus on that first until then.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Friday, October 06, 2006
Finding Peace

Okay so I am in a really happy mood right now witch is good! You know I really look up to Mary-Kate and Ashley and yes I know that they are younger than me but they are what I want to be strong powerful unique I just need to put myself out there so that's one thing on my list to accomplish Until then :)
Thursday, October 05, 2006

Alright so not sure if any of you noticed that I was in a rut for the past 2 and a half weeks but last night I cleaned and I feel much better about myself! I am going to get my act together and make something out of myself I am going to sit down and work on my finances and money cause I cant keep coming up with a negative balance every time I turn around really I just need to suck it up I know I that I can do this and I sure as heck will until then.
My plan

okay the past few weeks i have packed on about 5lbs and i am in a wedding next week and i know that i will not be able to get in that dress so i am going to try to lose it betwene now and next fri so how hard will that be right i mean 2lbs a day that i lose will not be that hard humm let me calculate i am 131 now and by friday i should be like 118ish wow now that would be great!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006

You know I could be living high on the hog but I am not so as of now I am going to change up the way I think about money I am going to start being a little bit wiser about my money I mean I make a lot for being a receptionist I just need to learn how to budget and I know that I will not be so broke all the time so until then you know I will keep you posted on another note you know the guy that I like well the feeling is growing stronger I mean him and his girlfriend are on the rocks and I am going to be the girl that comes in and try to console and no not whore myself out just because I just want to get to know him and become the best of friends and then see were that takes us is that so wrong and another thing why is it when I am looking for a part-time job it is impossible well until then.
Monday, October 02, 2006

Hey I normally don't blog at home but I thought I'd give it a try hahahah well I really need to lose this weight if I want to be a model 120lbs would be great only ten more pounds yea yea yea I know how that sound but it is true I do think I could stand to lose 10lbs most people think I don't but if you lived in my skin I think that you would understand were I am coming from hum well I am also trying to make extra money for the finer things in life but its not happening right now but lets hope that it start to pan out really soon well I really need to get my act together until then.
Stuck in the middle

Sooooo I'm jealous and I want to go to school and make something of myself I mean if you know who can do it so can I but I have no idea what I want to do medical or law I just need to pray about it, I am already opened up to the law field because of where I work but then I do have a passion for the medical field what is it that I want to do awwwwwwwwwwww