Friday, September 08, 2006

Just Realized

I am not true to anyone but myself I mean I know that all fine and well but no one not even my closes friend knows the real me I keep so many things bottled up inside that I just don't worry about it or try to forget it and I know that, that is not healthy at all and that's why I have this blogg so I can let it all out! I have become very addicted to this it is so much better that writing I can just let everything flow awwwwwwww well it is 5 and I get off work in about 20 min or so and this weekend I am going to make a life list like on the Ellen show and have things that I have to accomplish and follow through with kinna excited about it all really cause I am 23 and I said that I was going to reinvent myself but I have yet to step up to the plate so I am finding my next step in life. All I have to do is put one foot forward and one on the ground.


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