Thursday, September 07, 2006

Life or Something Like It................

Well I have been out of high school for about 5 years now and I have accomplished quite a but my life is not were I want it to be I mean I am broke half the time I don't have very many friends, I thought that by the age of 23 I would "know what I want out of life" but I live 2 different lives I just want to be something but I have no idea what that is one min I have my mind made up and the next I have no clue I just hope that I come into my own really soon cause I am totally confused at this point and another thing why is it that everyone around me is getting married or dating someone and me I have been flipping single all my freaking life WOW and people tell me "oh your beautiful and you could get any guy you want" and " you are so much fun to be around and have such a great personality" or this is my favorite get ready for it................"You are intimidating" yea right................. Well may be just a little hahahahah but where are the guys that like a girl for who she is and speaks her mind and doesn't have a care in the world and has a good head on her shoulders........................Or are they to frighten to approach


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