Monday, November 13, 2006


So I am quite jealous of most of my friends they are finding love or they are in love and I am still the single friend. I have always been the single friend and I really cant take it any more I get over come with all this emotion and I feel like I have lost control and I just want to sleep and not think about it where is my McDreamy? When will we find each other........ I really need to get a grip tho I use to be this strong confident girl and now I cant even be happy for a friend what's wrong with me cause really she met this guy in a strip club and that is never a good place to meet a guy I guess this is just a point in my life when I need to just get myself together and stay strong I really need to get back into church I am really all over the place and I want to be able to be that strong person that people admire and aspire to be like I need to regroup and focus on getting right with God and let him lead me in the right direction. Until then.


Blogger it's me, the darkfairy said...

don't give in.. im sure ur good enough to find somebody to suit u :)

7:46 AM  

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